How to Make Liquid Fertilizer from Cow Dung

How to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung

Besides making solid fertilizer from cow manure, you also can choose to dispose cow dung waste into liquid fertilizer. For this, we can offer you customized cow manure liquid fertilizer production plan and machines. 6 Steps to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung In general, to dispose of cow dung into quality liquid organic fertilizer, … Read more

Manure Management System For 2000 Cattle In Mexico

Manure management system for 2,000 cattle in Mexico

In Mexico, cows play an important role in people’s daily life. It can be the source of their food, income and entertainment. Mexico is not only one of the top cow meat export countries but also famous for bullfighting. There are many cow farms. But for large cow farms, manure management is not easy. The same goes … Read more

Small Scale Commercial Fertilizer Composting In Philippines

Fertilizer composting plan disscuss with Philippines customers

Under the aegis of government policy of production, market, training and related systems. The animal breeding farms have a prosperous development in the Philippines. But with the hot selling of animal meat, there is an item that needs to focus on. How to dispose of animal waste in farms? On 8th November 2022, a customer from the Philippines contacted … Read more

How To Make Cow Dung Compost In Kenya

Kenyan investors visit YUSHUNXIN for cow dung compost machine

In Kenya, cow dung is used for many purposes. Local people even use cow dung as a material to build houses. In addition, cattle manure is also an ideal material for organic fertilizer production. And composting is the first step to using cow dung as fertilizer. So many Kenyan customers asked us how to make cow … Read more

Why To Make Cow Dung Compost

Why To Make Cow Dung Compost

If you want to recycle and utilize cow waste again, especially produce organic fertilizer from cow dung, composting is a necessary step. Thus, what benefits can composting bring to cow manure for fertilizer manufacturing? It is mainly shown in three aspects: Complete harmless process of cow manure The reason why cow manure cannot be used … Read more

Solution For 1-3 t/h Cow Dung Fertilizer Making System

Solution For 1-3 t/h Cow Dung Fertilizer Making System

Are you finding a solution for treating cow manure from your small farm? Do you plan to start a small scale organic fertilizer preparation out of cattle litter? SX 1-3 t/h cow dung fertilizer production line is an ideal choice. It can help you process cattle farm waste into granular fertilizer quickly and easily. So … Read more

Solution For Large Cow Farm Waste As Fertilizer

Cow dung fertilizer production line for sale

With the booming in cow intensive breeding, a large amount of manure will be generated. This will create a serious influence on the air, earth and even cattle rearing. Then how to manage cow manure in an environmentally friendly way? Converting it to organic fertilizer is a good idea. Here, SX can provide you with … Read more

5t/h Cow Dung Fertilizer Production Line In Indonesia

Chicken Manure Processing

In recent years, Indonesia aims to develop livestock and poultry industry and has made conspicuous achievements. But the concomitant of it is how to dispose of animal manure. And considering the development needs of Indonesian agriculture, converting manure waste into organic fertilizer is an economical choice. Because cattle droppings is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. They are … Read more

Top 3 Organic Fertilizer Production Lines In SX

Top 3 Organic Fertilizer Production Lines In SX

As the development of animal husbandry and the requirement of friendly environment, more and more people choose to make organic waste into fertilizer. For this, SX can provide you with a variety of organic fertilizer production lines to help you finish it easily. Whether you want to make organic fertilizer in a small, medium or … Read more

How To Make Organic Fertilizer from Cow Dung

System for making organic fertilizer granules from cow dung

In general, if you want to make organic fertilizer from cow dung, you need to dispose of cow manure with the following steps. Including dewatering, composting, crushing, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, coating and packaging. Through these steps, you can choose to make cattle waste into powdery or granular fertilizer freely. Moreover, in order to help … Read more

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