How To Make Cow Dung Compost In Kenya

In Kenya, cow dung is used for many purposes. Local people even use cow dung as a material to build houses. In addition, cattle manure is also an ideal material for organic fertilizer production. And composting is the first step to using cow dung as fertilizer. So many Kenyan customers asked us how to make cow dung compost in Kenya? For example, on 1st December 2022, a client from Kenya inquired about cow manure composting:

Kenyan investors visit YUSHUNXIN for cow dung compost machine
Kenyan investors visit YUSHUNXIN for cow dung compost machine

Main Information

  • Country: Kenya
  • Capacity: 30 tons/day
  • Requirement: making cow dung into compost
  • Material Moisture: 70%
  • Solution: Crawler windrow compost turner + screw type dewatering machine
  • Cost: $30,000

Is 80% moisture cow manure suitable for composting?

To make cow dung compost fast, the moisture of raw material is important. The customer from Kenya told us his cow manure moisture is 70%. It is high for cow manure aerobic fermentation. And it is advisable to dry cow manure to 50%-60% water content before start organic fertilizer composting. Then, how to dry cow dung quickly?

Here, we recommend you use screw manure dewatering machine. With screw press and fine screen mesh sieving, it can help you separate solid cow dung from liquid in a short time. In general, after dewatering, the cow dung moisture content can reduce to 30%-40%. Moreover, because of physical press force employment only, it is an ideal choice for economical cow manure dewatering and drying.

Screw dewatering machine for composting cow dung
Screw dewatering machine for composting cow dung

How to buy a machine for composting cow manure waste?

In general, suitable composting machine of cow dung is necessary. . With high automation and regular turning system, it can help you decompose cattle farm waste quickly. But how to buy cow dung compost equipment that suitable for you. You can consider it from the capacity and budget of your cow dung fermentation project. Like the Kenyan cow dung compost making client, “There are 30 tons of cow manure generated in our farms, and our budget for cow manure compost is $30,000.”

What is the turning capacity for 30 t/d cow manure disposal?

Generally, the cow dung cannot composted in a day. With YUSHUNXIN fertilizer composting machine, it needs 15-20 days. Therefore, for a cow farm which generate 30 tons manure waste, the turning capacity need to reach 600 tons per day. Because the composted cow manure moisture is 30%, the cow dung composting output is about 200-300 tons/day. For this, both windrow composting machine and groove type compost turner are ideal choice.

Machine for large scale cow dung decomposition
Machine for large scale cow dung decomposition

Wheel type compost machine for cow dung fermentation

Wheel type compost machine is a kind of fermentation trench compost machine, and its turning span can reach 10-30 m and turning depth can reach 1-3 m. So it has a higher capacity than other cow dung fertilizer compost equipment. In addition, it adopts electricity control system without worker operation.

Crawler compost turner for on the ground fermentation

However, if you want to buy a cow manure compost machine without fermentation groove cost, you can choose crawler windrow compost turner. The machine can turn cow manure compost pile on the cement flat ground directly, only need a worker driving. Moreover, it can process cow dung long windrows with a width of 2.4-3 m and a height of 0.6-1.5m. That is, it can compost 500-1500 ㎡ of cow dung per hour. It can fully meet your need for small scale manure composting.

Hydraulic windrow compost machine for cow dung disposal
Hydraulic windrow compost machine for cow dung disposal

Is this windrow composting system within $20,000 cost?

For the system to make cow dung compost, the Kenya customer planned to buy manure dehydrator and compost turing machine. For this, the screw manure dewatering equipment price is about $3,000. At the same time, the wheel type compost turner needs $30,000-$55,000 while the windrow compost machine only $10,000-$30,000. So, the customer from Kenya finally choose to buy the windrow compost turner.

Get the precise quote of your own cow manure composting system now !

How long does cow manure need to compost?

Composting is a process to kill harmful bacteria, pest eggs and grass seeds in cow litter. In this way, you can use cattle manure as fertilizer without any harm to crops and plants. In natural conditions, it will take a long time to compost cattle dung, about 1-2 months and even 3 months.

Then the client from Kenya asked us that is there a way to finish composting cow manure faster? Of course. For one thing, you can use professional compost equipment in cow dung fermentation. It will turn cow manure regularly to supply enough oxygen and dissipate excessive heat timely. They can greatly facilitate aerobic fermentation of cow manure. For another, you can add fermentation bacteria to cow dung, which can promote the reproduction of microorganisms in manure. So the temperature of compost will rise faster and kill harmful substances more quickly. In this way, you can finish cow dung compost making within 20 days.

Organic fertilizer composting principle
Cow dung organic fertilizer composting principle

The above are details about our communication about how to make cow dung compost in Kenya. In addition, besides cow manure composting machine, we also can provide you with equipment for cow manure pellet making, chicken manure decomposition, mushroom substrate composting, etc. If you are interested in them, please contact us immediately.

    If you have any interest or need of our product, just feel free to send inquiry to us!

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