When you want to start a organic or compound fertilizer making plant, there are 4 things you need to do:

Finding stable fertilizer making material supplier
Only you have stable material supplier, you can continuously produce enough fertilizer product to deliver to your customer. You can partner with local animal breeding farms to buy their waste. Such as cow dung, chicken manure, pig litter, sawdust, etc. These are rich in nitrogen, potassium. phosphorus, etc. So they are excellent materials to make organic fertilizer. Doing this also can contribute to reducing environmental pollution. In addtion, for compound fertilizer manufacturing, you can use urea, porassium chioride, ammonium nitrate, etc.

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Finding a suitable place for your fertilizer production plant
The fertilizer preparation factory is better to build in a place which is close to raw material sources, away from residential areas and has good transportation conditions.
- Close to raw material sources: The longer the distance, the higher the cost of raw material transportation. In addition, high moisture materials, such as animal manure, sugar waste, sludge, etc are not convenient for transport. So it is advisable to build fertilizer plant close to material suppliers.
- Away from residential areas: During fertilizer production, it usually has an unpleasant odor. It will cause air pollution, which can affect the life of nearby residents.
- Has good transportation conditions: This not only is beneficial for raw material transportation, but also makes your finished fertilizer more convenient to deliver.

Buying suitable fertilizer processing equipment
Equipment plays an important role in fertilizer manufacturing. When you purchase machines for your fertilizer making, you need to consider your actual conditions. Such as capacity, type, material, budget, factory area, etc. SX has all equipment of a complete organic and compound fertilizer production line for your choice. And we can recommend you high quality fertilizer machine according to your requirements and provide them to you at a favourable price.

Gaining fertilizer making production license
It is the same as fertilizer machine manufacturing. Only get all licenses, you can set up your fertilizer plant and start fertilizer preparation. Therefore, you need to send the fertilizer product you produce for testing. If it is qualified, go to the government department for registration, then you can obtain the production license.