How to Make Liquid Fertilizer from Cow Dung

Besides making solid fertilizer from cow manure, you also can choose to dispose cow dung waste into liquid fertilizer. For this, we can offer you customized cow manure liquid fertilizer production plan and machines. They can fully meet your requirments to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung in wet, dry or after biogas production, etc.

How to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung
How to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung

Get the liquid cow manure fertilizer making line now!

6 Steps to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung

In general, to dispose of cow dung into quality liquid organic fertilizer, it needs 6 steps.

Collect Fresh Cow Dung for liquid fertilizer making

Usually, quality liquid water-soluble fertilizer manufacturing starts by collecting fresh cow dung. It’s advisable to use fresh cattle manure material. Because it contains a higher concentration of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms compared to older, dried dung. At the same time, you can get the liquid fertilizer material directly.

Cow farm manure waste management
Cow farm manure waste management

Filter liquid cow dung for fertilizer production

It contains 2 parts. For one thing, removing solid cow manure from the liquid. Here, you can use a manure solid and liquid separator. Or you can setup a sedimentation trench for separater liquid cow manure material economically. For another, filtering small particles from liquid cow manure material. So, you can produce water soluble fertilizer which is easier to use. Here, our engineer adopts activated carbon filtering design.

Manure sedimentation trench
Manure sedimentation trench
Cow dung dewatering machine design
Cow dung dewatering machine design
Activated carbon filter for make liquid fertilizer from cow manure
Activated carbon filter to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung
UV water sterilizer for liquid fertilizer manufacturing
UV water sterilizer for liquid fertilizer manufacturing

UV liquid fertilizer Sterilization

Then in order to eliminate harmful pathogens, viruses, fungi, etc to ensure the safety of produced liquid fertilizers. As the name suggests, our system to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung adopts UV sterilization technology. Its pathogens elimination rate can reach 99%.

Liquid cow manure fertilizer mixing and fermentation

For producing liquid fertilizer from cow dung, fermentation is important. Similar with solid cow manure fertilizer production, it is a harmless process of liquid fertilizer. With stainless steel liquid fertilizer reactor mixing, enzymatic hydrolysis will take place to decompose nutrient substances into smaller molecules and further eliminate harmful pathogens in materials.

Liquid fertilizer reactor for cow manure slurry disposal
Liquid fertilizer reactor for cow manure slurry disposal
Liquid fertilizer reactor design
Liquid fertilizer reactor Simple design
Horizontal liquid fermentation tank for sale
Horizontal liquid fermentation tank for sale

Cow manure liquid fertilizer packing

Finally, for commercial liquid fertilizer production, you need to packing finished cow manure fertilizer. For this, automatic liquid filling machine is the best choice. It can finish liquid fertilizer filling, covering, labeling, etc.

quality liquid filling equipment
quality liquid filling equipment
Liquid fertilizer filling and packing system design
Liquid fertilizer filling and packing system design
liquid fertilizer making plant setup for cow dung dispose
liquid fertilizer making plant setup for cow dung dispose

Get your customized cow manure liquid fertilizer making line!

How long does it take for liquid cow manure fermentation?

Liquid fertilizer production line with cow dung material
Liquid fertilizer production line with cow dung material

Commonly, the time for cow manure liquid fertilizer fermentation is depended on method employment.

  • For makes use of enzymes to decompose cow manure slurry liquid, the anaerobic fermentation, it needs only 3-7 days.
  • As for aerobic fermentation with bacterial hydrolysis, it usually take you 15-25 days.

Therefore, we usually recommend you choose to buy anaerbic fermentation tank for making liquid fertilizer from cow manure.

How many chelating agents need to add during liquid fermentation?

In order to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung quickly, you can also choose to add chelating agents to speed up the liquid reaction. It mainly utilizes its chelation with metal ions to form soluble chelates. Which can increase the concentration of inorganic nutrients in liquid fertilizers, and prevent crystallization and precipitation. As for the amount of chelating agent adding, it is generally less than 5% of the mass of the raw material.

chelating agents needed in liquid fertilizer manufacturing
chelating agents needed in liquid fertilizer manufacturing

How to produce bio liquid fertilizer with cow manure?

If you want to prepare cow manure into liquid biofertilizer, the above fertilizer making line also can fully meet your requirements. You only need to add a batching tank before the liquid fertilizer reactor.

  • When you add liquid bacteria material to make cow dung liquid biofertilizer, the machine can transport bacteria to the reactor tank strictly accordung to the formula.
  • In addition, for the solid bacterial agent used in liquid fertilizer manufacturing, its mixing shaft can blend the agent with water evenly. So, there is no need to buy a professional mixer.

Besides, batching tank is also an ideal choice to add some NPK, trace elements, molasses, fermentation agent, etc which can improve the nutrient content and speed up the liquid fertilizer fermentation.

Liquid fertilizer making material batching equipment
Liquid fertilizer making material batching equipment
Material inlet of liquid fertilizer batching tank
Material inlet of liquid fertilizer batching tank
Batching tank for bio liquid fertilizer production
Batching tank for bio liquid fertilizer production

Get your customized cow manure liquid fertilizer making line!

Can we make dry cow manure into liquid fertilizer?

Of course. To processing dry cow manure into liquid fertilizer, it is advisable to add water before liquid fertilizer fermentation.

Here, YUSHUXIN can provide you with reverse osmosis equipment, which can offer high-purity water for cow manure liquid fertilizer manufacturing. It can purify municipal tap water, non polluting groundwater or surface water and lake water. Generally, the ideal dry cow dung liquid fertilizer production process is cow dung crusher→ reverse osmosis equipment (water adding)→baching tank→ liquid reactor → solid filters → liquid filling equipment

reverse osmosis equipment for liquid fertilizer manufacturing
reverse osmosis equipment for liquid fertilizer manufacturing

If you have any other questions for how to make liquid fertilizer from cow dung, welcome to contact us immediately. Of course, YUSHUNXIN also can offer you other liquid fertilizer making lines. Such as system to make chicken manure liquid fertilizer, pig manure, biogas waste, etc.

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